Yes, today has been the day my sister and I have waited for.
The Saints of Cabucgayan/Balaquid went to church in their newly built chapel for the first time! No more bamboo huts,
no more chickens in the meeting house.FINALLY! We woke up early this morning to get ready and travel to Cabucgayan so that we could attend the first
Sunday. I never really cared too much for chapels, but this one was beautiful. It had fans... i love fans.
It was so fun to be able to see everyone before we make the
long trip back to america. These missionaries have changed my life! Their examples have made me rethink and change my life for the better. I love my Missionary Friends! And Elder Leono and Elder Cerdhe will be going home this next transfer. And we wish them every happiness as the go and fulfill whatever calling they will serve next.
We were also able to visit Balaquid for a short little hello. These kids make me want to cry, i love them so much! Who knew I could learn so much from people younger than me. I have missed them, and although 2 months away from each has done many changes to them, and to me also, they will hold a special place in my heart forever.
Here are some more pictures from our Last trip to Cabucgayan and Balaquid
What we are like when we get together
what a cute little boy!
LADY! she's so awesome!
Martin Monton!
look at him so gwapo. hehe
I love the Philippines!! it's awesome. Seeing the chapel open was an amazing way to end our adventures here... now on to new adventures... but it is certain I AM COMING BACK TO THE PHILIPPINES! it's a new home! :)
See you on the Flip Side,
Sister Marcela Malit :)