Monday, December 6, 2010

Things about friends.

What is a "friend"?

The word seems so foreign. In a world full of enemies, who can we really call our friends?

"To have a friend you must first be a friend."
What does that really mean anyways?

"I hate her, she's too nosy." - "He's a goodie two-shoes"

Friends to their faces, enemies behind their backs.
Those aren't friends. I call them cowards.

Where are the loyalties? Where are these "friends" we are constantly seeking after?

Impossible to find, yet impossible not to search for. Never ending search to find at least one person that will have our backs, and not stab a knife into it. Ha good luck right?

But no matter what you do, and who you are, people will talk. I guarantee you that. It doesn't matter if you are really talented, or you think nobody knows you, someone out there is talking about you, whether you call them friends or enemies. They will talk.

So "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess.

And "To thine own self be true"- William Shakespeare

I say "A friendship that can end was never really a friendship to begin with."

And every once in a while we find those life long friends. They become almost family.

Family, a true friendship that will never end.

I consider myself to be lucky, or blessed, whatever you want to call it. I've met some of the most amazing people there is to meet in this world. I have found those friends.

And even though I have had to meet disappointment and betrayal along the way, it's been worth the ride to get to these people.



see you on the flip side,
Marcela ^^

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Things about "Santa Claus"

So to tell the truth....
I HATE the story of Santa. I think it's stupid.
A man giving presents to good children all over the world in one night.
yea right.

So here's my problem with it...

Story time:
A missionary served his mission in the Philippines where a little girl asked the Elder, "Elder is Santa real?" and the Elder said "Of course, Santa is real." and the little girl's heartbreaking response to what this Elder told her was...
"Then why doesn't he come to the Philippines?"

That is my problem with "Santa".
Are all the children in the Philippines "naughty"? NO. The most well behaved kids I have ever met were in the Philippines.

Seriously?? Santa Claus, Where do you go on Christmas Eve? hmmmm... This myth of Santa Claus is made so your children behave. hmmmm..... makes you think a little huh. Santa was made up by rich people who can afford him.

Now kids are obsessed with getting presents and totally forget what the celebration of Christmas is really about.

So what is Christmas?

2010 years ago the Son of God was born. To be the Savior of the world. That's what Christmas is about. He gave the best gift of all, he gave us the atonement.

We should all keep that in mind.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Things to dance about

Just got back from MVHS Dance the Halls winter concert! it was awesome!

Cheesy Dancer Talk Time:
I love dancing. why? I love that you can sit through a dance concert and feel so many different emotions in one sitting. One dance you can feel happy and smile the whole time, and the next you can feel like you want to cry. But no matter what emotion is portrayed, you always feel happy after you dance.

So thanks to MVHS Ballroom Dance Company and Orchesis Dance Company for an awesome dance concert! You guys did an amazing job!

Crazy to think how far the ballroom company has come! from My sophomore year, til now. How AWESOME! LOVE YOU GUYS AND MISS YOU!

I was with my awesome/dearly missed dance partner Mauricio! Talking about how we were crazy. Loved the spotlight. Haha which is still the same, but I think it's matured a little... i hope? Haha! But I think it's more about just doing what we love. Dancing! But being is the front is really nice too.

It was awesome seeing MVHS Ballroom alumni, strolling down memory lane. But it was so weird sitting, and not dancing. I was sitting there thinking "The glory days are over." How PATHETIC right?? I'm 18. Heck no my glory days are over. My LIFE is the "GLORY DAYS"! High School dance was just a part of it. Time to start new glory days. Starting with SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE try outs! haha crazy? I think so. They are coming to SLC on February 2nd 2011!! So I'm going to hit the studios. Put some more training in me. :) wish me luck.

"Dance for yourself, if someone understands good. If not then no matter, go right on doing what you love."
~Lois Hurst

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Things that are weird.

Happy late Thanksgiving everyone.

Thanksgiving is a little weird for me, because we don't really celebrate Thanksgiving. Given that Thanksgiving is an American holiday, and my parents grew up in the Philippines... so... you get the point here.

Here's my dilemma....
Soooo... when I tell people we don't really celebrate Thanksgiving people get angry. And say I'm "Un-american" and ask me if I hate america. NO. I do not hate America. People tell me to embrace the heritage of this country, and when it's not Thanksgiving they tell me to go back to where I come from....? hmmmm.... weird...? I think so.

Because I was born in California. But everything I am, how I act, and what defines me, is Filipina. The blood racing through my veins is on fire with that Filipino Pride.

Don't get me wrong, America is great. And because I live here I have a lot to be thankful for.
but I don't get pissed at people when they say they don't celebrate Christmas. Sure I think it's a bit weird, but it's just the way the think.

But Every day is a day to give thanks I think.
I'll tell you what I give thanks for EVERY SINGLE DAY I'm alive.

My family:
For amazing parents who, at times seem completely insane, but are more reasonable than anyone else. For awesome sisters who set good examples. For older brothers. Honorably served/serving missions. And kuya diego, who still manages to mess with me even though he's across the world. For Auntie Lala and Uncle Edwin, the best aunt and uncle ever, they are so kind and loving. For COUSINS, everyone can say they have awesome cousins, but wait until you meet mine. You'll wish you were a Malit/Yasona. :P

My Heritage:
They say the biggest mistake a Filipino can make is to forget where they come from. And I never really knew what it meant until this summer. I hear of people going back to the country of which they came from, and hating it. But I LOVE THE PHILIPPINES. I loved it before I went there, and now that's even stronger. People will joke and say, "it's because everyone looks like you there.". And it's true, there's something about being around people who share that same blood. But there's something about the Philippines that no other country has. No matter how great, or how much opportunities, or money, other countries have, THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE THE PHILIPPINES. Everyone I met in the Philippines has changed my life. Maraming salamat, sa lahat. :)

My Religion:
In this world, we all need something to hold on to. Yet I've never heard or seen anything as strong as the gospel. If only the Elders that taught the Malit family and the Yasona family the gospel knew what they have done for us, they would be truly amazed. I'm thankful for all my missionary friends out in the field, and all those soon to be off. You all are amazing and I'm honored to call you my friends!

Three simple, yet monumentally important things. these things define who I am, and keep me going.


See you on the flip side.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Things That Break My Heart.

I'm sitting in my house, listening outside. There are no sounds of jeepneys honking, dogs barking, nothing. Dead Silence. I look out side and it's just a bunch of houses, no lush green forest, or put-puts driving by. There are no missionaries walking around. It's quiet. It's a weird feeling. 

Everything looks strange.
I have NO idea how to use my cellphone. 
My house looks different. 
The streets looks bigger. 
The buildings are huge. 
There are huge trucks. 
The people are different.
 Everything is different.
I'm different. 

I have missed Utah tho. I've missed my friends, and my parents. but there's no place like the Philippines. hmmm... I imagine this is what RMs feel like. haha It's only been half a day and I'm already missing the Philippines so much. T^T

Now I have to start being all grown up and stuff. LAME.
But I conquered 4 airports in 24 hours. that sounds pretty grown up to me.

So we almost missed our plane to America. hehe
but here's the story... 

So we land in Manila from Tacloban and our luggage is already checked in, except we aren't. So i ask the guard where I am supposed to go, and he sent me to the back of this huge. It's 2:30 pm, and our plane leaves at 4.  so we get to the front of the line, and it's about 2:50, the guard there tells us we have to go to the ticketing office, because we rebooked out flight. so we run to the ticketing office, and it takes until 3:30.

 Me = freaking out. We were supposed to check in at 2:00 pm. So then we run to the Check-in booth, and I realize, we probably need more money, but this lady in front of us is taking like nine years cuz she had like a billion bags.

so after check in we run to the bank, which will only give me P100.00, which is like 2 dollars.
so after that we run to pay the terminal fee and the guard won't let us through because we have a guitar that doesn't have a case. so we have to go get it wrapped and check it in. as we are getting it wrapped I hear over the intercom "LAST BOARDING CALL FOR FLIGHT PR 106 BOUND FOR VANCOUVER AND LAS VEGAS." that's our flight. and these people are taking there sweet time wrapping it. and it cost P300.00!! 

Me = FREAKING OUT MORE. I was counting our money and I was certain we wouldn't have enough money to get through the terminal, and we would miss our flight. And If we missed our flights we would be stuck in Manila because we have 2 cellphones that didn't work and no money. So we are checking in the guitar, and this person in front if us was taking forever! it is now 4:10. and i knew that if we had to pay to check this in, we were done for and stuck in Manila. So i prayed. I prayed so hard I started to cry. And luckily we didn't have to pay for it.

And so we pay the terminal fee, P750.00. We had no money left. Except the P100.00 I got out of the atm. We get to immigration. he asks for a departure card. we don't have them. So we have to run ALL THE WAY back to the check in counter and fill out these departure cards. Run back to immigration. 4:17 pm. Crap. We've missed it. So the immigration guy clears us, and i ask "Our Plane is already boarding" and he says "Yes. Maybe if you run out onto the runway you'll catch the plane" and laughs. I didn't think it was funny at all. 

So we get through MORE security, and they said gate 5. so we run!! and when we got there they were searching everyone's bags. inspecting everyone! and that gave us enough time to catch our plane. But I nearly had a nervous break down.

I miss the Philippines. Haven't started adjusting yet. hopefully I'll get used to it. It's Heartbreaking to leave. My heart is in the Philippines.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Things That Make My Heart Soar


Yes, today has been the day my sister and I have waited for.
The Saints of Cabucgayan/Balaquid went to church in their newly built chapel for the first time! No more bamboo huts,
no more chickens in the meeting house.FINALLY! We woke up early this morning to get ready and travel to Cabucgayan so that we could attend the first
Sunday. I never really cared too much for chapels, but this one was beautiful. It had fans... i love fans.

These faithful saints have deserved this chapel! To see this day is the reason why we have extended for so long. After Faith, then come the blessings, and the people here have no shortage of faith.

It was so fun to be able to see everyone before we make the
long trip back to america. These missionaries have changed my life! Their examples have made me rethink and change my life for the better. I love my Missionary Friends! And Elder Leono and Elder Cerdhe will be going home this next transfer. And we wish them every happiness as the go and fulfill whatever calling they will serve next.

We were also able to visit Balaquid for a short little hello. These kids make me want to cry, i love them so much! Who knew I could learn so much from people younger than me. I have missed them, and although 2 months away from each has done many changes to them, and to me also, they will hold a special place in my heart forever.

Here are some more pictures from our Last trip to Cabucgayan and Balaquid
What we are like when we get together
Elder Magno decided to run in front of all the cameras!
what a cute little boy!
LADY! she's so awesome!
Martin Monton!
look at him so gwapo. hehe

I love the Philippines!! it's awesome. Seeing the chapel open was an amazing way to end our adventures here... now on to new adventures... but it is certain I AM COMING BACK TO THE PHILIPPINES! it's a new home! :)

See you on the Flip Side,
Sister Marcela Malit :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Things That Change Your Life

My life has forever been changed. I have lived 18 years on this earth, and the happiest i have ever been was when i was on my short term mission in Balaquid that i served with the best companion, SISTER GLORIA MALIT! and also Sister Dustin and Sister Blonquist! (will tell more about them later.) Words can't describe the feelings i felt or the experience i had. but i guess i will try. >.<>

Mission Life is HARD!! but so rewarding. That picture is Elder Aberin and Elder Webb sharing a tiny umbrella. It's rainy season here in the Philippines, and it rains every day! and it rains a lot. like dogs fall out of the sky raining. I had forgotten my umbrella and so did Gloria, so Elder Webb and the huge heart he has let us borrow his for the week.

This Day was actually our first day of work. Our area was a small town called Balaquid, in Biliran. It is in Cabucgayan. It's So small but the people have the biggest hearts.

The first day was district meeting! We woke up bright and early to catch a motor cycle (we fit 5 people on it!) to take us to the meeting house. Which is a tiny bamboo hunt. And some how 90 strong faithful members fit in it every Sunday. The people of Cabucgayan/Balaquid are getting a well deserved chapel in the end of September.

I'll write the abridge version of my mission because there is just too much to tell!! The work went great throughout the week. We had so many appointments and when we would ask people when we could come again they would say TOMORROW! :)

There was a baptism the first Saturday we were there. We had to hike to get to the
waterfall where the baptism was being held. and Gloria almost died. haha So did Sister Blonquist! haha but the hike was worth it to see the awesome baptism. Brother Ben, an awesome young man in our branch baptized his little brother! All the elders in our district were there. I love the elders! but i'll tell more about them

later. Oh and in the program they said "and now we'll have a surprise musical
number by sister malits!" and we were like "yea a surprise for US!"
haha but Sister Blonquist and Sister Dustin sang
with us, we sang Nearer, My God, to Thee. and
then the Elders sang after us... no comment. They are the coolest people I have ever met!

And there they are! look how cool they

Then on Sunday we went to church.
Which was weird because it didn't feel like Sunday, because we basically did the same thing we did every other day. But the Sister teach primary! awwww primary was awesome. All the little kids love the sisters! It was an awesome experience going to church. The Cabucgayan Branch is so spread out they have 2 special meetings every sunday. So that the members on both sides can go to church. It's called Special Sacrament. And it really is so special.

Then we had to leave the blessed land of Balaquid because the sister had to attend a training. :( but we did RETURN! :)

The Saturday we got back we went to zone reactivation in Naval! Where all the missionaries in the Zone come to one area and go visit the less active members to teach them and maybe light a fire in their hearts once again. It was awesome meeting the whole zone. Such amazing missionaries! And the family was taught, I hope they came to church the next day. The mother of the house, her husband died a year ago and the have no money and 9 children. Pray, pray, pray!

Look at those awesome missionaries. The number one Zone in the world. :)

They are really awesome. On the bus, when we were coming home from Naval, I saw the most amazing thing ever. Oh and bus was like the harry potter bus, but with 50 billion people on it. haha anyways Elder Magno and Elder Leono were sitting in front of me on the bus, and a lady sat dow
n next to them. and the immediately introduced themselves and started sharing the gospel! It was so cool! i have never seen that before. Way to go elders. :)

And Now for the amazing people I've met!
I wish everyone could meet these people. I love them so much!

SISTER BLONQUIST! one of our awesome companions. she's a crazy person. haha and she's very tall. One time we were sitting at the window talking to thses little kids and they see her and say "Sister Blonquist! She's Huge!!" haha! but she's not huge. just compared to everyone in the Philippines she is, because everyone here is tiny. She's hilarious. We got along with her very well. She calls her mum Urs, which i think is weird. haha but she's an awesome missionary and loves oatmeal. :) I love her!

SISTER DUSTIN! She's weird. haha JUST KIDDING. we love her! She's one of the most dedicated Sisters i know. There is this one investigator, Martin Monton (12), and she is obsessed with him. She's doing everything and anything so he will get baptized. and i have no doubt through her efforts he will one day!

ELDER ABERIN! oh man. I love Elder Aberin! HE DOES MAGIC! Everytime I see him he has a new trick to show me and it's always so cool! haha he taught me some tricks and i can do magic now! When I go back to america I will show everyone and tell them the amazing Elder Aberin taught me :) He reminds me of when your Kuya's try to show awesome things. He's awesome. And on the bus to Naval he kept giving up his seat for people coming on the bus. What a gentleman! I love him!

ELDER WEBB! he's huge. haha just kidding, compared to us he was though. Elder Webb is very funny. haha he's from AZ. and Apparently he's very artistic. he's awesome. he lent us his umbrella and we are forever greatful for that. it saved us! I love him!

ELDER LEONO! whooo! haha hmmm... where to start with Elder Leono... He's awesome! he's really funny. even thought we have no idea what he is saying more than half the time! It was his birthday yesterday! he's 22. very old. haha I will always remember seeing him on the bus sharing the gospel. and he made me an awesome BR (book of remembrance) page! he has made impossible for me to forget him!
I love him!

ELDER MAGNO! wow Elder Magno. haha I call him Elder Mango, because i'm dyslexic and can't read. haha Elder Magno is amazing. He's brand new! awwww haha. He's really really nice, and kind of awkward but you know, missionaries. haha He made me an awesome box thing out of leaves! i still have it! and he made me a BR page that's green! haha i love green. and he gave me an awesome bookmark for remembrance. See how nice he is! He's going to be an amazing missionary. I love

MARTIN MONTON! Martin is 12 and investigating the gospel. He is excited and has been reading the Book of Mormon. He's a heart breaker! he's awesome and he loves to speak weird English to us. we will miss him so much. he became a really good friend to us and we love him like a brother. He's going to grow up to be an amazing man and will do wonders.

JOHN ALFER! Oh my dear John Alfer. This little boy stole my heart. He came to church on my last sunday there and that made me so happy i cried. I want him to have every happiness in this life and the next. I want everything for him. He's going to be a force to reckoned with when he's older. He has the biggest smile! we have smiling contest. but I always win. haha I love him!

JUDITH! she is another investigator. she is turning 14. In the 2 weeks I was in Balaquid, I saw how the gospel can start to change someone. she's taking the steps to a better life. Someday she will get married in the temple and will be truly amazing.

BROTHER BEN! He has a cool name that I can't spell. haha he is 16 and works with the missionaries almost everyday! how awesome! he baptized his little brother when we were there!! he's going to be an awesome missionary some day!

And so many more. Many things happened on the mission that would take waaayyyy too long to write haha. I have grown to love the people I've met so much. I cry for them, think about them, and miss them dearly. It was an emotional roller coaster. One minute I was the happiest i could ever be, and the next experiencing the worst of heartaches. Yet I would do it over and over again. My life has truly been changes forever. and I will never forget the people I've met and the things I've seen. It was the best 2 weeks! I left my heart in Balaquid. The Philippines is HOME.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Things to Consider

As we go through our lives, we weed out the ones who will remain our friends. Yes I am very selective with the people I trust, and I am very hard on those close to me. I expect a lot from myself, and expect the same from other people. If that is my downfall then so be it. If I have no friends in the end then that is fine, but at least I am right in my standards. I am not claiming to be wise or know everything, but I think getting out of high school has kind of given me a new outlook on life and certain things take too much energy so they are cut out of my life for good.

Here's to a new life, with new people, and new opportunities.

So I've been in the Philippines for a few days now.
This place is one word. HOME.
but one thing has been on my mind. I don't understand why I am so blessed,
I have the same blood running through my veins, the same heritage,
yet I am so privileged to have an amazing family, and a home.
The other day we went to Jollibee, and when we left, a little boy followed my aunt to our car.
Wanting some food. And my aunt gave him some candy.
That boy did nothing to deserve to live like that, I'm sure of it. I had to hold my tears in as they overflowed. That boy did not have to say a single word, and he possessed my heart in a matter of seconds. I wanted to trade lives with him. and give him the life he deserves. I am certain that I would die in a day, but it would be worth it, just so he would have a better life.
I can now truly see how much the Lord loves me, but if there is anyone so undeserving of that love, it is me. It's taken me 18 years, and a 21 hour flight to the Philippines to realize this, When i should have known it all along.

SHOUT OUT TO MY PARENTS: Thank you for loving me enough to send me away.

I start my mini mission soon here in the P.I. and I am so excited to get out and share.

See you on the Flip Side,

Monday, July 12, 2010

Things to Celebrate

I cried when they did. :) what a beautiful game!
nobody believed me when i said Spain would take it all.
People should listen to me more often!
spain Pictures, Images and Photos
what an amazing team!
Props to the other teams. :)
good job!
I am finally in the PHILIPPINES!
Finally literally on THE FLIP SIDE.
this is a JEEPNEY,
freaking awesome huh?
People ride on it like a bus, but cooler. haha
It's so different here! there are no road laws.
just a bunch of people driving how they want to!
it's awesome! hahaa
I'll upload pictures to my facebook. :)
but that's all for now!
See Uz on the flip side,

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Things to Prepare for.

So the other day we bought suitcases for our trip to the P.I.!
Whooooo! I'd show you a picture but i don't have one. haha
Anyways, that's my step towards preparing for the Philippines.
I'm SOOOO excited!! whoooot!
it's going to be off the chain. haha

On another note. I saw Avatar: The Last Airbender.
nuff said.

...So I just got home from Pirate Island...
I went Latin Dancing with Mariana Lopez!
and that was the first time i've ever been there!
and that place it awesome!! haha it looks so cool.
It's like an actual Pirate's Island. hahaha


See?? haha
Anyways story.

Well while sitting there. I met a person named Eric... i think haha. so He served his mission in the Philippines! whooo! haha cool and we danced and he was super good at dancing and I'm Asian so i'm not so good at the latin dancing but i'm decent. haha And i guess he didn't think i'm as young as i am. He's like old. well not like old but older. haha SO there's the end of the friendship. hahaha AWKWARD. haha it was a lot of fun. There were SOOO many people there! haha this person kicked my ankle. Although I'm pretty sure i know who it was cuz there was a girl there who does NOT like me (I have no idea why) but yea she was close to me when it happened... Suspicious? i think so. haha It was pretty fun :) and Question. Do all latino men/boys own the same cologne? Haha all the people there smelled the same? haha weird. and they smelt like other people i've known. maybe it's just me haha.

So Things to Prepare For:
The Philippines
Moving out

Life moves really fast. People say my life is just starting. But it feels like the fun stuff is over. The parties, high school, the boys, and the games they constantly play. Haha I'm sure gonna miss it. But I heard the parties, school, boys and the games jus get more intense as you get older. haha but i don't like intense.
hahahah we'll see how my life unfolds aye? haha

See Uz on the Flip side,


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Things to Remember.

Whoooo! just got back from ECLIPSE premire!

I'm officially TEAM EDWARD

Edward Cullen Pictures, Images and Photos

I hate Jacob. he should just give up.
i mean really, what is that guy's problem?!
and Bella is an idiot.

oh and SPAIN WON!!!
with an AMAZING goal from DAVID VILLA
love him.

David Villa Pictures, Images and Photos

Props to PORTUGAL for putting up a good fight.
I still love them :)
amazing team.

Oh and you are probably wondering...
...i really like pictures...
...and weird positioning of text.... haha

Anyways on my daily Youtube Quest,
I came across a JENNY SUK.
Awesome talent. Check her out

Ha funny story.
SOOOOO.... I was talking to this kid today and he told me that VICTOR VALDES is his cousin. and I was like liar. And he told me to look it up on facebook. haha ooooh facebook. I love it. It tells me everything. ha anyways So i did, and indeed he was friends with a VICTOR VALDES and i was like huh? haha and so i said i don't believe, and he said how much you wanna bet??
my response: we are talking about the VICTOR VALDES. The goalie for SPAIN?
his response: jajajaja no. (i was talking to a Hispanic person so i'm just quoting.)
hahahahaha i was like OOOOOH MY you're dumb. haha
and that's my funny story for today.

oh and boys are lairs.
haha :)


That's all for tonight,
See uz on the flip side,

Monday, June 28, 2010

Things to Share

Hello everyone. ha well the few followers, hopefully soon to be more.

Anyways. so my sister and I have been going YouTube crazy over:

We absolutely love these two! they are amazingly talented!
haha also check out:
AJ Rafael
Chris Cendana
Gabe Bondoc
Cathy Nguyen

ALSO as everyone knows, it's

My teams are SPAIN and PORTUGAL

Photobucket Photobucket

Except they are playing each other tomorrow. :( ha
May the best team win I guess.
My heart is torn. haha
Since the Philippines has no soccer team i have to go farther
in my roots and cheer for SPAIN tho.
Gloria cheers for BRASIL.
even tho I do LOVE Kaka :) haha

i'm excited to get away from Utah! it's time to go home!
New people, New life.
Fits with this whole being done with high school thing.
even tho with some people it seems like high school will never end...

Well that's all for today!

See uz on the flip side,

Sunday, June 27, 2010

things to bloggg?

I have NO idea how this thing works.

Hopefully i'll get the hang of it.
I named my thing the FLIP SIDE
Because i am filipino.
Flip side, Filipino side...?
haha it's kinda awesome.

this Blog is mainly to promote me and my sister, Gloria
We like to sing and make covers. We are still learning.


I am leaving to the Philippines on JULY 8TH!!
i am super excited!


Anyways, i'll see you on the flip side.